Specialist provision for children with Speech Language and Communication needs (SLCN)
Heathfield has a specialist provision for children with Speech Language and Communication needs (SLCN). Due to take in its first cohort of children from September 2024, the base will offer an individualised curriculum to meet the needs of up to 24 children, by July 2027. Access to the provision is gained via the local authority SEND provision panels. Children are referred to the panel via their home school, with parental consent. The panel will decide whether or not the child’s needs will be suitably met with the SLCN base here at Heathfield.
Children who gain a place in Heathfield's SLCN base will remain as a child at their home school, but with what’s called ‘dual registration’, allowing them to access what we offer here. The view is that the home school work with Heathfield, with the aim that the child returns back to their home school, with strategies in place to help them succeed. Should the assessment place lead to the child not returning to their home school, it may mean a place is applied for at a different school setting. It is totally dependant on the needs of the child, the assessments that take place at Heathfield and the appropriateness of them returning to their home school.
Once your school has made a referral please contact us to arrange a viewing 01325 252144
Mrs Hindson: SENCO and Assistant Head Teacher for SEN, Inclusion and Vulnerable Pupils.​​​​​​​